

2022巴黎DNA设计大奖DNA Paris Design Awards)于近日公布,赛瑞景观(CSC Landscape )建发作品苏州建发璟萃雅园在千余作品中脱颖而出,斩获2022巴黎DNA设计大奖景观设计类别小型项目景观大奖。这份荣誉是对赛瑞景观的充分肯定,是业主单位的鼎力支持,也是设计团队辛苦付出和努力的结果。

 关于奖项  About awards 

DNA Paris Design Awards

法国巴黎DNA设计大奖(DNA Paris Design Awards)是一项具备全球性和多元文化包容性的国际赛事,旨在建筑、室内、景观、产品和平面设计领域,面向全球各地设计领域的专业人士与在读学生进行作品征集,发现和庆祝来自世界各地的新鲜创意设计。

▲ 颁奖现场

  获奖作品 Winner  

Jingcui Yayuan Community

winner in LANDSCAPE DESIGN/Small Scale Projects建发项目丨苏州建发璟萃雅园 甲方团队丨谢美娟 程远 曹瑞芳

方案团队李烨 张茜 刘杨晨 马小路 张楚君

施工图团队李宏伟 许议文 罗晶倩 谭明珠 罗志勇 陈伟波 晏子良

  项目概述 Project 


The project takes the inspiration of landscape pictures of Tang Yin and continues with the essence of ancient landscape architecture. It creates the garden with the traditional landscape architecture technique and makes the home-coming etiquette of the royal palace and an elegant court space through different spatial scenarios. With natural landscape as the keynote, it creates landscape-based life scenes in the limited space. It illustrates the traditional oriental spatial aesthetics and shows the land of idyllic beauty in the modern city with the Chinese landscape architecture in Jiangnan.

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