巴 黎 DNA 设 计 奖
法国巴黎DNA设计奖(DNA Paris Design Awards)是一项具备全球性和多元文化包容性的国际赛事,旨在建筑、室内、景观、产品和平面设计领域,面向全球各地设计领域的专业人士与在读学生进行作品征集,发现和庆祝来自世界各地的新鲜创意设计。2021届DNA Paris Design Awards 6月10日在其官网隆重公布,赛瑞景观作品 中原华侨城 ZHONGYUAN OCT 项目荣获法国巴黎DNA设计奖景观类大奖。
Winner in Landscape Design/Parks & Public spaces, Educational, Community & Recreation facilities
Comment:The project shows the classic ethnic resonance art from the local intangible cultural heritage - Henan Opera, and presents it in an abstract interpretation, shaped as water-sleeve and taking modern art as the soul. The 40-meter cross-section of the project plot has been incorporated into the first image presentation surface design, centrally focusing with the participatory fog forest spray as the focal point. In the design process, the tactful and free-flowing form of water sleeves gets integrated with the modern curvilinear space art, and then is translated into a modern landscape language.